
All over the world, mining companies suffer from corrosion problems. From continent to continent, our Corrocoat products – not to mention our unique skills and experience – prove to be the answer.

Whether it’s surface or sub-surface, we apply coatings that get results. Not just in terms of performance, but also value for money. A replacement coating costs far less than a piece of equipment which has to be completely replaced.

Whole-life cycle costs have to be considered when working long-term. Our 40 years’ experience has seen us protect the investments of companies working in gold mining, nickel, uranium, iron ore, tin, and more. And it’s not uncommon for our coatings to still be going strong up to 25 years later.


Examples of mining components we’ve coated include:

  • Clarifiers
  • Thickeners
  • Stacks
  • Pipeworks
  • Valves
  • Pumps
  • Concrete protection and various other areas